Friday, September 18, 2009

Jackass, LOL.

Actual Audio: Obama saying Kanye West's a jackass.

Pretty sure you guys must've heard about Kanye west dissing Taylor Swift at the VMAs, if not just type in the two names. Taylor looked kinda lost and Beyonce's expression was abit like "uh, thanks, but wth hell is happening here?"

I'm neutral on this thing since I don't really care, but mister president saying he's a jackass? LOL!!

Had a pretty cool day in school! :D

Geography consultation with Ms Teo in the morning and got some concepts cleared. Lots more to go!

GP period cracked me up. So Nadia and I both did our hair flingy things (spinning ponytails HAHA) together and ended up in another hairfight. Hair fights and hair smacks are the best thankyou. Anyway I don't know how it ended up with us taking photos with Glenda/Bekloo/Syairah and that's basically what we did for GP. The few of us at the back row does most of the talking ahem.

Oh and I officially started the "changing phone language" trend in class. MORE LIKE PRANKS. Started with yao messing with Syai's phone (cause I did that to his yesterday) and it spread on to Geetha's phone and glenda even got hers in Jap and Korean and Arab. HAHA. BTW MINE IS STILL IN DEUTSCH.

Studied with Jeslin and SuAnn and joined Glenda in the library after they left & stoned for awhile at first but finally got to concentrate after say, 6 or 7? LOL. Spent some time talking to her since we couldn't concentrate, my stomach was growling and... heheh. Was pretty productive from then on but I've still got prolly 80% or more to go. Angeline wrote notes for me too, how sweet! :P Maybe the"STUDEE!!!" note really worked eh haha.

I (L) the library! We stayed on for awhile after it closed at 9 and angeline's parents gave me a lift home thankyouu!! :D

K i'll end it here its already 12.

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